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College of San Francisco - CS270 Computer Architecture Module: MIPS-V |
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Object-oriented Programming
Object-oriented programming, implemented in a high-level language such as C++ or Java, is an extremely useful mechanism to bridge our more abstract thought to the cold strict reality of the machine. At the assembly level, of course, objects do not exist. At the assembly level, there is only data (including instructions) and its addresses.
In this section we will briefly explore how this 'trick' of mapping abstract objects to machine structures is accomplished. Although most of us are more familiar with Java, we will use C++ as our example, since it is a compiled language and we can actually test our ideas.
The basics
As we all know, objects are instances of classes that contain members - both data and functions. At the assembly level, this must be mapped to data and code objects and addresses to each item must be generated and managed. This process is handled differently for the data and function members of a class:
and the initialization of an object of that class
xyz myxyz(1,2);
the size of myxyz would be eight bytes (assuming four-byte ints). Given the address of myxyz, the address of member a would be the same, and the address of member b would be 4+the address of myxyz
Although they appear in the class declaration, the function members of a class are, of course, separate from the class object. As we know from our studies, each function exists at a constant address which we can access by a global symbol or label. Since the member function can be called from any module that has included its class definition, and exactly one global label is attached to the function, a mechanism must exist for generating the function label from the class definition. This must take into account two issues:
This is accomplished by name mangling.
This convention creates a standard label format encoding the class, the
function name, and the argument types into the label itself. Further,
the label generated should not be able to be generated by the user -
this could be accomplished by the addition of a character in the label
which is illegal at
the source code level (but legal at the assembler or object level) or by the use
of a recognized convention on names to which the user must ascribe,
such as usernames cannot begin with an underscore.
As an example, the labels for the
overloaded functions sum (void) and sum (int) in our simple class xyz
above might be generated simply by using the class name xyz, an illegal
character at the user level such as $, the function name, sum, and an
abbreviation for the argument types in order. Thus we would arrive at
the label xyz$sum$v for sum(void) and xyz$sum$i for sum(int).
These labels could be correctly generated from any module which had
access to the class definition. The constructor could be given an empty
name - in our example xyz$$ii, since the single constructor takes two integer arguments.
(Note: these rules are much simpler than the actual rules governing name mangling, but the simpler example is illustrative, nonetheless.)
Now that we have a mechanism for generating addresses of data members and labels of function members of our objects, we have one more problem - when the member function is called, it must know where the object it is operating on is! (Remember, member functions are not in the object, as they appear - they are completely separate!). The address of the object being operated on (appropriately called this), is passed as an additional first argument to each member function. Thus, the function call (from the example above)
int thesum = myxyz.sum(4)
would actually do a jump-and-link to the label xyz$sum$i passing it the two arguments &myxyz, and 4.
Access restrictions
The access specifiers public, private and protected are enforced by the compiler only. They do not appear at the assembly level. The const specifier, however, is often enforced by the use of a separate data section which is read-only. This data section (.rodata on MIPS, but not recognized by Mars) also contains constant strings.
A complete example
Let's return to our simple class definition
and add a simple main program
Here, a variable myxyz of size 8 bytes will be allocated on the stack and initialized using the constructor. Then each of the two member functions will be called and their return values printed.
Let's see what the code looks like using our aforementioned conventions:
(myxyz.cpp (which has its own PrintInteger function) and myxyz.s are in the online/mipsV directory in our public work area)#class xyz {
# int a,b;
# int sum(void) {return (a+b);}
# int sum(int i) {return(a+b+i);}
# xyz (int mya, int myb) { a = mya; b=myb; }
.globl xyz$sum$v
lw $t0,0($a0) # a
lw $t1,4($a0) # b
add $v0,$t0,$t1
jr $ra
.globl xyz$sum$i
lw $t0,0($a0) # a
lw $t1,4($a0) # b
add $v0,$t0,$t1
add $v0,$v0,$a1
jr $ra
# constructor
.globl xyz$$ii
sw $a1,0($a0)
sw $a2,4($a0)
jr $ra
# void PrintInteger(int i) --- part of util.s
#int main() {
# int result; // kept in $v0
# xyz myxyz (2,4);
# result = myxyz.sum();
# PrintInteger(result);
# result = myxyz.sum(1);
# PrintInteger(result);
#int main() {
.globl main
# need std stack frame, plus one s-reg (for address of myxyz) plus
# 8 bytes for myxyz
addiu $sp,$sp,-32
sw $ra,28($sp)
sw $s0,24($sp)
# myxyz is at 16($sp)
la $s0,16($sp)
# int result; // kept in $v0
# xyz myxyz (2,4);
move $a0,$s0
li $a1,2
li $a2,4
jal xyz$$ii
# result = myxyz.sum();
move $a0,$s0
jal xyz$sum$v
# PrintInteger(result);
move $a0,$v0
jal PrintInteger
# result = myxyz.sum(1);
move $a0,$s0
li $a1,1
jal xyz$sum$i
# PrintInteger(result);
move $a0,$v0
jal PrintInteger
lw $s0,24($sp)
lw $ra,28($sp)
addiu $sp,$sp,32
jr $ra
.include "/pub/cs/gboyd/cs270/util.s"
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