City College of San Francisco - CS270
Computer Architecture

Modules: Table of Contents

CS270 Online Notes - Modules

These notes accompany the Patterson and Hennessy text closely. Read the assigned sections of the text prior to the notes.

Online notes will only be available for Modules 1-8 this semester. The remainder of the class will rely solely on the course text and the presentation in lecture.

  1. Background, history and performance measurement
  2. Number representation and machine basics
  3. The Simple Machine
  4. MIPS I - basics, bit instructions and instruction encoding
  5. MIPS II - decisions
  6. MIPS III - data areas and introduction to procedures
  7. MIPS IV - procedures and the calling convention
  8. MIPS V - pointers
  9. The exception handler and the compilation system
  10. Advanced Topics I - Caches and Virtual Memory
  11. Combinational Logic I
  12. Combinational Logic II
  13. Sequential Logic
  14. Advanced Topics II - Floating-point and Pipelining

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