Here is a link to a video worth watching if you love to walk along the beach.

You need to cut and paste maybe.

Each year, lives are lost along the California coast by those frolicking along its edge.  I recall a mother and two young children perished as they were snatched away from the edge of Monastary Beach in Monterey while the husband and father prepared to take their photo with the ocean in the background.  The couple in the video were lucky especially since storms were about.  Even when it is not storming there are sleeper waves that are twice the size of the usual wave of the day and they can turn a dry safe area of rock or beach into a point of ocean entry. So, be aware and practice the general rule--don't turn your back on mother nature and stay away from the ocean's edge that is open to the sea.

Family swept away from the northern California coast!

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Last updated: 11/27/2012