Peter's Lucky Day

By Lauri Fried-Lee
This is a story. Click in the circle to choose the correct sentence for the story. Some sentences are good English, but they don't match the story.

Last week Peter was very lucky.
Last week Peter is very lucky.
Last week Peter has been very lucky.
He walked near his house when he saw a $50 bill in the street.
He was walking near his house when he saw a $50 bill in the street.
He was walking near his house while he was seeing a $50 bill in the street.
He picked it up and was putting it in his pocket.
He was picking it up and put it in his pocket.
He picked it up and put it in his pocket.
Then he started to think about what he wanted to do with it.
Then he start to think about what he wanted to do with it.
Then he starts to think about what he wanted to do with it.
He decides to wait until he talks to his wife about it.
He decided wait until he talked to his wife about it.
He decided to wait until he talked to his wife about it.
"I thought we should had a nice lunch today," she said.
"I am thinking we should have a nice lunch today," she said.
"I think we should have a nice lunch today," she said.
Peter likes that idea.
Peter liked that idea.
Peter was liking that idea.
They are going to a restaurant near their house.
They went to a restaurant near their house.
They have gone to a restaurant near their house.
They ordered some Chinese food for lunch.
They were ordering some Chinese food for lunch.
They order some Chinese food for lunch.
The food smelled very good.
The food smells very good.
The food was smelling very good.
It tasted good too.
It was tasting good too.
It tastes good too.
They are wanting to go back again next week.
They have wanted to go back again next week.
They want to go back again next week.
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