Michael Manneh's CCSF Bio Page

Michael N. Manneh
Spring 2004

City College of San Francisco
Southeast Campus
1800 Oakdale Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94124
Office: 406 Mondays/Wednesdays 9 am-10:00 am and by appoinmtent
Phone: (415)550-4341

I graduated from San Francisco State University in 1996, with a Bachelor's degree in English Literature. My first position at  City College of San Francisco was in November of 1996, at the Adult Learning and Tutorial Center located at 31 Gough St, downstairs from the Human Resources offices. I worked there part time for two years as an assistant instructor and as a computer lab attendant using mostly Apple Macintoshes.

In February of 1998, I was hired on as a full-time Instructional Aide at The Southeast Campus, located at 1800 Oakdale Avenue at Phelps Street in the heart of San Francisco's Bayview/Hunter's Point district. Over the past 6 years, I have developed many skills that have helped me become a better, more effecient employee. I am currently working with GED and Computer classes. Within that time, I have also enhanced my computer skills, in both hardware and software areas. The majority of my knowledge is self-taught. The rest I learned by watching other people or by asking questions. I have taught myself how to: create PowerPoint presentations, design and launch websites,  and to utilize multimedia software, such as Flash and Dreamweaver. I have also worked alongside the Information Technology department, installing hardware, software, and networking.

As my part of my assignment at The Southeast Campus, I serve as Associate Advisor to the Student Association. The S.A. serves the students here on campus and provides resources to students who are others unable to provide for themselves. I feel very lucky to be working at such a great campus. The Faculty and Staff at Southeast Campus are committed to improving the quality of education for this burgeoning community, as well as for City College of San Francisco.

I have also worked at John Adams Campus, The Downtown Campus, and The Mission Campus. I am currently pursuing a Master's of Science in Psychology. For more information about my experience or duties, click here.