Timotha Doane's Courses
ESL 52
ESL 62
ESL 71
ESL 72


ESL 52:
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ESL 62
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ESL 71

ESL 72:
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Spring 2000:

Welcome students.   If you're a new student, check the course descriptions below to see if it's the right course for you. When you've found your course, to register, visit www.ccsf.org for more information, or pick up a schedule of classes and fill out the registration form.
 If you're already one of my students, check out the menu to the left to find areas of interest. 

ESL 52
Enter course catalog description and pre-requisites, meeting times.

ESL 62
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ESL 71

ESL 72
CRN 30388   SEC 014  MWF 12:00-01:00   BNGL 616
ESL 72 offers practice in writing expository essays with training in reading, planning and
preparation of academic writing. We will practice reading for comprehension and analysis
to accompany and support written composition work. ESL 71 may be taken concurrently.
Prerequisite: ESL 62 or placement into 72.


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