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This chapter gives some background on C++,technology and shows how to compile your first C++ program on different operating systems.


C++ was created in the early 80's by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs. It is a general purpose object oriented programming language used in a variety of different application. Let us study how a computer program is executed on a computer. The diagram is somewhat simplistic and offers an overview of how a computer will work in general.

See full image

The instructions for the program are stored in the RAM and the CPU grabs an instruction from the RAM and executes it. It will then grab the next instruction and execute that and so on. What type of instructions are these ? Well these are the instructions that the CPU understands. In case of an Intel CPU the machine language is based on x86 . That is the only thing the CPU understands. It does not know about C++ , Java or any other language. It only knows about the x86 machine language. What do the instructions of this machine language look like
000000 00001 00010 00110 00000 100000

100011 00011 01000 00000 00001 000100
As you can imagine writing machine language instructions is a tedious and impractical task. Programmers used Assembly language instead to do their programming. So how did the CPU run Assembly language . Well it didn't. The Assembly language program was converted to machine language by a compiler. What did the Assembly language instructions look like ?
MOV AL, 1h ; Load AL with immediate value 1

MOV CL, 2h ; Load CL with immediate value 2

MOV DL, 3h ; Load DL with immediate value 3
The Assembly language instruction had one to one correlation with machine language and was slightly better in terms of using opcodes but still a tedious task. So now the high level languages came such as Fortran, Pascal, C . For a long time programming was done in these high level languages . These language had features like functions, procedures , structures. A programmer could use variables and did not have to worry about mapping variables to specific addresses in memory. However these languages involved the programmer converting the application problem in terms of the language which still bore a close relationship to the way the CPU worked. The concept of object oriented languages was developed and thus came languages such as Java, C# and C++ . Now a programmer could translate the application problem in terms of objects and classes. The way we think about problems and concepts can be correlated and organized better with object oriented programming. As an example think of an application for the bank . We can think of a customer with properties such as name, age, gender, address, phone. This customer could have an account and the account could be checking or saving. An account can have properties like amount and account number. It could also have methods like add a deposit and so on. This sort of technique can be used in many problems where we can model the solution in terms of classes to more closely resemble the problem domain. C++ is based on the "C" language that was created by Dennis Ritchie in the late 60's. The "C" language was a procedural based language . Object oriented features were added to it and C++ was born. C++ is a super set of the "C" language and most "C" programs can run under "C++". Both the languages involve a steep learning curve.

Compiling and setting up environment

We are going to write our first program, compile and run it under different operating systems. As is the convention our first program is going to print "Hello World" to the console and that's all it does.


On the Windows operating system we have many options in order to compile and run it.


One option is to install the Cygwin software from the site:


Cygwin is a Unix simulator that runs as an application on Windows. Once you start Cygwin it opens a dos like command prompt window and you feel as if you are on ta Unix system. Choose the "g++" compiler and the "make" utility from the options when installing. For a text editor we have many options available . One editor is "Textpad" that can be downloaded from the site:


You should also download the syntax definition file from the "Textpad" site for C++ language. That will enable the syntax coloring .

File: hello.cpp
#include <iostream>

using namespace std ;

int main()


   cout << "Hello World." << endl ;

Save this to a file. You can name it to be "hello.cpp" but it can be anything you like.
Then from the "Cygwin" command line, navigate to the folder where you created "hello.cpp" and type in:

g++ hello.cpp

Then do a "ls" and you should see a file "a.exe" or "a.out" . This is the executable that got created.

We can run this executable by the command :


and you should see the following output on the console:

Hello World

Eclipse and Netbeans

Other IDE environments that can be installed are Eclipse and Netbeans but these require a compiler such as "g++" to be installed separately. Microsoft has an IDE called "Visual Studio Express" that can be downloaded for free. There are some restrictions on this particular version but it can be used for learning purposes.

Microsoft Visual Studio

Microsoft has Visual Studio that is a tool that can be used to compile different languages including C++ . They are supposed to have a free edition of the the Visual Studio. If you have access to a remote Unix system then we can connect to it and use it to compile our programs. . Winscp is a utility that can be used to access files on the remote server. https://winscp.net/eng/download.php Snapshot showing the Winscp Session/New Session settings. Choose the "Save" to save your settings including the password.

We can also integrate an editor such as Textpad using the "Options/Preferences" dialog box:


The program "putty.exe" is a single file that be saved to a folder such as "C:\putty" . We can integrate Putty with WinScp by changing the "Option/Preferences" screen .

The checkbox "Remember session password will allow you to open up Putty from WinScp without a prompt for password.


On the Mac there is software by Apple called Xcode . You need an Apple developer account and it's free. There are 2 versions of it. One includes an IDE and the other is command line based. You can also access a remote unix system. In the below example we show how to access a remote system called then you can use the Hills from the "Terminal" window.

[amittal@fog ~]$ ssh amittal@hills.ccsf.edu

Enter your password and now you are in the Hills system. To create your files you can use the "vi", "vim" or "nano" editor. You can read about these editors on the web. You can also use "sftp" to transfer files from your Mac to the Hills server if you want through the Terminal window.


Unix systems vary in the setup of the C++ compiler. Usually one can check for the existence of the "g++" compiler by typing:


on the command line. If you get an error of the sort "input file not found" the C++ compiler is installed and if you get "command not found" error then the g++ compiler is not installed.


We have seen that if we have a C++ program:

File: hello.cpp
#include <iostream>

using namespace std ;

int main()


   cout << "Hello World." << endl ;

we can compile it with the following command:

g++ hello.cpp

In the above command we have not specified an executable so the C++ compiler produces the default executable with a name of "a.out" that we can run with the command.


We need to place the "./" in front of the executable name to tell Unix to look for the executable in the current folder instead of in the environment path. We can specify the name of the executable using the "-o" option.

g++ -o hello hello.cpp


We can also compile to an executable using object files. Let's study that in the next section.

Object and Executable files

We can compile to an object format using the "-c" option.

g++ -c hello.cpp

This will produce a file named "hello.o" . This is an object file containing machine language instructions. However it is not an executable. We cannot run it.

[amittal@hills object_1]$ ./hello.o

-bash: ./hello.o: Permission denied

Even if we change the permissions on the file

chmod 777 hello.o

and try to run it again we get:

[amittal@hills object_1]$ ./hello.o

-bash: ./hello.o: cannot execute binary file

The compiler does not check if the file has a main method or if it has function definitions. The compiler makes sure that the syntax is correct and then compiles to machine language instructions.

[amittal@hills object_1]$ g++ -c hello1.cpp

[amittal@hills object_1]$ g++ hello1.o

/lib/../lib64/crt1.o: In function `_start':

(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

After compiling if we try to link the object file and create an executable file then the C++ compiler complains about not finding the "main" method.

File: hello2.cpp
#include <iostream>

using namespace std ;

int add( int num1, int num2 ) ;

int main()


   add( 3 , 4 ) ;

   cout << "Hello World." << endl ;

   return(0) ;


[amittal@hills object_1]$ g++ -c hello2.cpp

[amittal@hills object_1]$ g++ hello2.o

hello2.o: In function `main':

hello2.cpp:(.text+0xf): undefined reference to `add(int, int)'

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

[amittal@hills object_1]$

We have declared a function "add" but not provided a definition for it. We are able to compile and produce an object file for it because the rule for a file compilation in C++ is that the file only needs a declaration in order for the file to get compiled . However when we try to create the executable then the compiler will check if the definition exists somewhere and if it doesn't then it will complain. Both object files and executable files contain machine language code but an object file does not need a "main" method and it does not need a definition of a function.

Multiple Files

A C++ project will often consist of more than 1 file. How do we compile multiple files in C++ ? Assume we have 2 files: "hello2a.cpp" and "add2a.cpp" .

File: hello2a.cpp
#include <iostream>

using namespace std ;

//Function add
int add( int num1, int num2 )

  return num1 + num2 ;


int main()


   int ret = add( 3 , 4 ) ;

   cout << ret << endl ;

   return(0) ;


File: add2a.cpp
//Function add
int add( int num1, int num2 )

  return num1 + num2 ;


Deller@DESKTOP-DNEP4MC /cygdrive/c/WebSite/Learn/2/cplusplus/intro
$ g++ hello2a.cpp add2a.cpp

Deller@DESKTOP-DNEP4MC /cygdrive/c/WebSite/Learn/2/cplusplus/intro
$ ./a.exe

We can also create the executable using object files.

Deller@DESKTOP-DNEP4MC /cygdrive/c/WebSite/Learn/2/cplusplus/intro
$ g++ -c add2a.cpp

Deller@DESKTOP-DNEP4MC /cygdrive/c/WebSite/Learn/2/cplusplus/intro
$ g++ -c hello2a.cpp

Deller@DESKTOP-DNEP4MC /cygdrive/c/WebSite/Learn/2/cplusplus/intro
$ g++ hello2a.o  add2a.o

Deller@DESKTOP-DNEP4MC /cygdrive/c/WebSite/Learn/2/cplusplus/intro
$ ./a.exe

Make Utility

Once you are on the Unix system a utility called "make" can also be used to compile your program. We can create entries in a text file called "Makefile" . As an example to compile the "hello1.cpp" program we can use:

File: Makefile
hello.exe: hello1.cpp
        g++ -o hello.exe hello1.cpp
The first item on the line "hello.exe" is the target. That is the file we want to end up with. To the right of that we have the dependency which is "hello1.cpp" and below that we have the command to build the target. The second line should have tabs before it. The "make" utility is very particular about the tabs and will not accept spaces. So what's the advantage of the "makefile" ? Well for one you do not have to type the whole command in. You can just type "make"
Deller@DESKTOP-DNEP4MC /cygdrive/c/WebSite/Learn/2/cplusplus/intro
$ make
g++ -o hello.exe hello1.cpp

Deller@DESKTOP-DNEP4MC /cygdrive/c/WebSite/Learn/2/cplusplus/intro
$ make
make: 'hello.exe' is up to date.

Deller@DESKTOP-DNEP4MC /cygdrive/c/WebSite/Learn/2/cplusplus/intro
and that will get the compilation process going. Let's run the "make" command again. Notice it does not compile the "hello1.cpp" again. The tool "make" will first check for the existence of "hello.exe". If it did not exist then it knows it has to run the command. In this case it exists so it looks at the dependency and sees that it is a file but not a target. If it were a target then it would evaluate the target. If it found that the target needed evaluation then the command would be run. In this the "hello.cpp" is not a target but a simple file. The tool checks if this file has been changed since the last time of compilation. It hasn't so we get a message that "hello.exe" is up to date. Now we make a superficial change to "hello1.cpp" and run make again. Now the make tool will see that the dependency has changed since the last time of compilation and run the "g++" command again.

We can also write the Makefile so that it works with object files instead. What's an object file ? We can direct the C++ compiler to compile to an object file instead of an executable with the following command:

g++ -c hello.cpp

This produces a file called "hello.o" . This is also a machine language file but is not an executable. We can't run it. The "-c" option does not force the compiler to look for a "main" method. To produce an executable we run the "g++" command again but use an object file instead of a ".cpp" file.

g++ hello.o

This will then produce an executable that we can actually run. Why do we need this object file approach to begin with. Can't we just compile the ".cpp" files every time ? Compiling a single file may not make much of a difference but consider a large project consisting of many files. Let's say our project consists of 5 files and we compile an executable using the command:

g++ first1.cpp first2.cpp first3.cpp first4.cpp first5.cpp

Now if we change the "first1.cpp" then using the above command all the files must be compiled again. That means the compiler has to check the grammar and syntax errors and then compile each file to machine code and then link them together to produce the executable file. Using object files approach we can do:

g++ -c first1.cpp

g++ -c first2.cpp


g++ -c first5.cpp

This will produce the files:

first1.o first2.o first3.o first4.o first5.o

Then we can link them together to produce the executable file.
g++ first1.o first2.o first3.o first4.o first5.o
Let's see what happens if we change the code in first1.cpp . We do not need to recompile the rest of the files. We can compile the first1.cpp with the command:
g++ -c first1.cpp
and then link the files together:
g++ first1.o first2.o first3.o first4.o first5.o
The process of linking is very fast as the files have already been compiled to machine language code.
Let's see how we would do the above process using the make utility for 2 files:
File: hello2.cpp
File: add2.cpp

File: m1.txt
hello2.exe: hello2.o add2.o
   g++ -o hello2.exe hello2.o add2.o

hello2.o: hello2.cpp
       g++ -c hello2.cpp

add2.o: add2.cpp
      g++ -c add2.cpp
The dependency can be a target as in the above case. The dependencies will be evaluated and if the "make" utility determines that there has been a change in the dependency then it will run the command to create "hello2.exe" . We place the above commands in a file called "m1.txt". The make file does not have to be named "Makefile". We can use the "-f" option to specify a makefile by a different name.
Deller@DESKTOP-DNEP4MC /cygdrive/c/WebSite/Learn/2/cplusplus/intro/make
$ make -f m1.txt
g++ -c hello2.cpp
g++ -c add2.cpp
g++ -o hello2.exe hello2.o add2.o
The make tool first checks if "hello2.exe" exists. It does not so it know it has to run the command "g++ -o hello2.exe hello2.o add2.o" . But first the dependencies need to be evaluated. The "hello2.o" is a target for the second task. The tool evaluates this task. The target "helllo2.o" does not exist. The dependency is a file so the command "g++ -c hello2.cpp" is executed. In a similar manner the task "add2.o" is evaluated. Once the dependecies are done then the main command is run. What happens if we change "add2.cpp" ? The same process repeats as before. The "hello2.o" exists and it's dependency is not changed. So we skip this step and go to "add2.o". This task is evaluated and so the main command is run again. Anytime the dependency changes the main command is run. The "make" utility does not know anything about "C++" but it knows about timestamps,targets, commands and we can use these to compile even complicated, large projects.




C++11 Move semantics, lambdas, auto, thread

C++14 Variable templates

C++17 Std variant, optional

C++20 Template syntax lambdas
The version numbers correspond to the year that the version was released. The newer versions are from C++ 11 onwards. The "C++ 11" is the most important and we shall try to cover all it's features.

Structure of a C++ program

File: hello.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

int main()
 cout << "Hello World." << endl ;

Every C++ program must have a main method. That is where the execution starts from. Any functions or variables that are used from the library must be declared. That is where the "include" files come in.


If we use a function in a cpp file then it must be defined or declared before we can use it.
File: d1.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

int sum( int x1, int x2 )
  return x1+x2 ;

int main()
   cout << sum( 2, 3 )  << endl ;


The above compiles fine. However let's now place the function sum below the main function.

File: d2.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

int main()
   cout << sum( 2, 3 )  << endl ;


int sum( int x1, int x2 )
	return x1+x2 ;


$ g++ d2.cpp d2.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: d2.cpp:9:11: error: ‘sum’ was not declared in this scope 9 | cout << sum( 2, 3 ) << endl ;

Compilation starts from the top for a cpp file. Also the compilation for a single cpp file is independent of the compilation of other files in the project if there are other files. From the top it finds the function "sum" getting used but hasn't encountered the declaration or the definition and thus the compiler throws an error. If we have a functions such as:

int sum( int x1, int x2 ){ return x1+x2 ;}

Then the declaration is the signature of the function:

int sum( int x1, int x2 )

and the definition is the above functions with the code. All we need for the compiler is to tell it what the declaration looks like:

File: d3.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

int sum( int x1, int x2 ) ;
int main()
   cout << sum( 2, 3 )  << endl ;
int sum( int x1, int x2 )
	return x1+x2 ;


Let's say we compile the above program on Windows and we get an exe named "hello.exe" . Can we take this "exe" and run it say on a Mac or Windows machine ? No we can't. Even if the processors are the same ( Intel compatible ) an operating system has it's own format for executable s . Specific operating system information is inserted into the executable making it impossible to run on other systems. This is evident when we have to download programs for specific Unix systems. Instead of giving the executable to download the website will usually provide the source files along with the make file.


Namespaces are used to prevent name conflicts between variables, functions. A namespace can be thought of as enclosing a set of variables or function names into a block that has a label. This is especially important when global variables come into play. Let's say we have the following program "namespace1.cpp" :
File: namespace1.cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

//Global variable
int var1  = 100 ;

int main()
   //local variable  hides the global variable
   int var1  = 5 ;
   cout << var1 << endl ;

File: namespace2.cpp
using namespace std ;

//Global variable
namespace group1
 int var1  = 100 ;

int main()
   //local variable  hides the global variable
   int var1  = 5 ;
   cout << group1::var1 << endl ;


Using namespace for functions. We create 3 files: main.cpp , mymath1.cpp , mymath1.h
File: main.cpp
#include "mymath1.h"

using namespace std ;
using namespace mine ;

int main()
	int result = doSum( 4, 5 ) ;
	cout << result << endl ;
	return 1 ;

File: mymath1.cpp
#include "mymath1.h"

namespace mine
	int doSum( int x1, int x2 )
		return ( x1 + x2 ) ;

File: mymath1.h
namespace mine
 int doSum( int x1, int x2 ) ;

If we have a namespace for a function in the ".cpp" file then we need to place the namespace in the heade file also.
namespace mine
 int doSum( int x1, int x2 ) ;

Using namespace for integers in header files.

We create 3 files:

main2.cpp , mymath2.cpp , mymath2.h
File: main2.cpp
#include "mymath2.h"

using namespace std ;
using namespace mine ;

int main()

	cout << g1 << endl ;
	return 1 ;

File: mymath2.cpp

namespace mine
	int g1 = 100;

File: mymath2.h
namespace mine
extern int g1 ; ;


Note that it's possible to define the same namespace in multiple cpp files.
main3.cpp , mymath3.cpp , mymath3.h
File: main3.cpp
#include "mymath2.h"

using namespace std ;
using namespace mine ;
namespace mine
	 extern int g1 ;
	 int g2 = 20 ;

int main()

	cout << g1 << endl ;
	cout << g2 << endl ;
	return 1 ;

File: mymath3.cpp

namespace mine
	int g1 = 100;

File: mymath3.h
namespace mine
extern int g1 ; ;


$ g++ main3.cpp mymath3.cpp ; ./a.exe

C++ uses the namespace "std" to enclose the objects and functions in it's standard library.
File: namespace3.cpp

//using namespace std ;
int main()
	cout << "Testing." ;


$ g++ namespace3.cpp
namespace3.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
namespace3.cpp:6:9: error: ‘cout’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘std::cout’?
    6 |         cout << "Testing." ;
We get an error because the cout is in a namespace. We can correct it either by placing the
using namespace std ;
at the top or using "std::cout" . The phrase "using namespace" states that everything in that namespace is accessible without putting the namespace in front of the variable or the function name. Though this is convenient if we are using the variable in the namespace multiple times it can create a problem if we have a variable of the same name.
File: namespace4.cpp

using namespace std ;
int main()
	// Introduces a nane conflict
	int cout ;
	std::cout << "Testing." ;


In the above if we don't put a "std::" in front of the cout then there is a name conflict.


The Unix g++ compiler also has a debugger facility. Let's take the below program and use the "gdb" debugger with it.
File: main.cpp

using namespace std ;
int main()
	int i1 = 5 ;
	i1 = i1 + 2 ;
	i1 = i1 + 3 ;
	i1 = i1 + 4 ;
	return 1 ;

To work with the debugger we need to use different compiler option.

g++ -g main.cpp

and to run the gdb:

gdb ./a.out

We can then set break points:

break 11

The command to step through is:


The command to run is:


We can also print values with the print command:

print i1

The debugger in an IDE will be much easier to use in terms
of the graphical interface than the gdb. However gdb
provides the functionality that one expects from a
normal GUI debugger.


We have 2 files:
File: main.cpp
int main()
    g1 = 5 ;

File: mymath1.cpp
//Global Variable
int g1 ;
We know that if we try to compile the 2 files with the command:

main.cpp:7:2: error: ‘g1’ was not declared in this scope

We receive an error of the form:

main.cpp:7:2: error: ‘g1’ was not declared in this scope

We can't use the same technique that we used for the functions because if we do:

File: main1.cpp
int g1 ;

int main()
    g1 = 5 ;
Then we are defining the variable "g1" again . We need some way to declare but not define the "g1" variable. This is where the "extern" type comes in. Now our "main2.cpp" becomes:
File: main2.cpp
extern int g1 ;

int main()
    g1 = 5 ;


The C++ compiler compiles a ".cpp" file to machine code. This process consists of 2 parts. The first is where the preprocessor part of compiler modifies your ".cpp" file and the second part is where it converts the modified file to machine code. All the preprocessor statements start with the hash "#" character. Lets take an example of how this works. We can have our program spread over multiple files. Let's take an example.
File: main.cpp


using namespace std ;

int main()
   int result = doSum( 4, 5 ) ;
   cout << "Hello World" << endl ;
   return 1 ;

File: mymath1.cpp
int doSum( int x1, int x2 )
   return ( x1 + x2 ) ;

Now we compile the 2 files to create an executable:

g++ -o main.exe main.cpp mymath1.cpp

However running the above command produces the error:

main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:

main.cpp:11:28: error: ‘doSum’ was not declared in this scope

This error is happening because we need to tell "main.cpp" the signature of the function. What are the parameters that "doSum" takes and what value does it return ? This is called a "declaration" . Adding this declaration produces the following code:
File: main1.cpp

using namespace std ;

int doSum( int x1, int x2 ) ;

int main()
   int result = doSum( 4, 5 ) ;
   cout << "Hello World" << endl ;
   return 1 ;

Now the compilation succeeds:

g++ -o main.exe main1.cpp mymath1.cpp
The file "main.cpp" is compiled first and the compiler makes sure that the function "doSum" is used properly. It does not have the full definition of the function yet because that is in another file "mymath1.cpp" . The compiler will create an object file internally for "main.cpp" . Right now it has not verified that the "doSum" has actually a definition but it will do that later when linking. Now it compiles "mymath1.cpp" to an object file. Now there are 2 object files and the linking process begins. The process of linking takes the 2 object files and will check if the declared functions have the definitions for them and also whether the function "main" exists. It will then create an executable.

What if some other file in our project wanted to use the "doSum" function? We would have to include the declaration for the function. We can do this in a better way by using header files. We can place the declaration in the header file and name the header file "mymath.h" .
File: main2.cpp

#include "mymath.h"

using namespace std ;

int main()
   int result = doSum( 4, 5 ) ;
   cout << "Hello World" << endl ;
   return 1 ;

File: mymath1.cpp

int doSum( int x1, int x2 )
   return ( x1 + x2 ) ;

File: mymath.h
int doSum( int x1, int x2 ) ;
Deller@DESKTOP-DNEP4MC /cygdrive/c/WebSite/Learn/2/cplusplus/intro/preprocessor
$ g++ -o main.exe main2.cpp mymath1.cpp
The header file is processed by the preprocessor and a new "main.cpp" file is created that contains the contents of the header file.

Binary Arithmetic

We work with numbers using base 10 or the decimal system. When we have a number such as


This is interpreted as :

2 * 10 to power 2   +  4 *  10 to power 1  +  5

If we have a base such as 10 then the digits range from 0 to 9 ( 0 to base -1 ) . When we go from right to left we

multiply the digit by the base to the power increasing the power by 1 each time.

Computer work with base 2 also called the binary system. The digits are 0 and 1 . The number


is 5 in decimal system( 1*2 power2 + 0 + 1 ) .

If we have 3 digits then the unsigned number will look like below:

  000                                 --   0

  001                                 --   1

  010                                 --   2

  011                                  --   3

  100                                   --  4

  101                                   -- 5

  110                                   -- 6

  111                                   -- 7

Two's complement.

A negative binary number is represented in two's complement. In this scheme the leftmost bit is "1" and represents the negative number. The right most bits are inverted and then a "1" is added to get the negative number amount.



 The bit "01" are inverted to form "10" and then a "1" is added to form "11" so the number "101" is actually  "-3" . If we have 3 digits then the signed numbers look as below:

000                0

001                1

010                 2

011                 3

100                 -4

101                 -3

110                 -2

111                 -1

Base 16 also called Hexadecimal system . The digits are
0-9, A-F  with A representing 10 and F representing 15.


F0          - 240

AF          - 175

File: bin1.cpp
using namespace std ;

int main()
	unsigned char b1 = 254 ;
	b1 = b1 + 1 ;
	cout << (int)b1  << endl ;
	b1 = b1 + 1 ;
	cout << (int)b1  << endl ;


$ ./a.exe



An unsigned char is 8 bits whose range is 0 to 255 . The variable "b1" is initialized to 254 and that gets incremented to 255 and that is printed out. Now we add 1 to 255.

     1111 1111

     0000 0001


1  0000     0000

The carry over of 1 is discarded because we only have
8 bits to work with. and we get a 0 . Now let's change
the unsigned char to a char.

File: bin2.cpp
using namespace std ;

int main()
	char b1 = 254 ;
	b1 = b1 + 1 ;
	cout << (int)b1  << endl ;
	b1 = b1 + 1 ;
	cout << (int)b1  << endl ;


$ ./a.exe
254 is: 1111 1110 Adding 1 to it is 1111 1111 and this is -1 . Adding 1 to this produces a 0 .


A valid variable must have as the first character the letter a to z or A to Z or the underscore character "_" . After the first character; a character can be a to z or A to Z or a digit from 0 - 9 or the underscore. In C++ uppercase and lowercase characters represent unique names and can't be interchanged. The name "score" is different from the name "Score" .

Data Types

Below are the primitive data types:




Floating Point



Wide Char

 A data type can have additional modifiers. As an example the "Integer" data type can have the following modifiers:





A program that prints the size of different types.

File: size1.cpp
using namespace std;

int main()
	cout << "Size of char : " << sizeof(char) << " byte" << endl;
	cout << "Size of int : " << sizeof(int) << " bytes" << endl;
	cout << "Size of short int : " << sizeof(short int) << " bytes" << endl;
	cout << "Size of long int : " << sizeof(long int) << " bytes" << endl;
	cout << "Size of signed long int : " << sizeof(signed long int) << " bytes" << endl;
	cout << "Size of unsigned long int : " << sizeof(unsigned long int) << " bytes" << endl;
	cout << "Size of float : " << sizeof(float) << " bytes" <
Size of char : 1 byte
Size of int : 4 bytes
Size of short int : 2 bytes
Size of long int : 8 bytes
Size of signed long int : 8 bytes
Size of unsigned long int : 8 bytes
Size of float : 4 bytes
Size of double : 8 bytes
Size of wchar_t : 4 bytes


File: intro_ex1.cpp
#include <iostream>

using namespace std ;

namespace outer1
   namespace inner1
		int var1 = 100 ;


int main()

   cout << var1 << endl ;
   return 0 ;
Correct the error in the above code. Use the prefix method and the using method. The nested namespace can be referenced using the notation "outer1::inner1" .


File: intro_ex2.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <limits.h>
using namespace std;

int main()
   char ch1 ;

   cout << "Min value of char is:" << CHAR_MIN << endl ;
   cout << "Max value of char is:" << CHAR_MAX << endl ;

   return 0 ;
Run the above program and explain the output. What are the limits of an unsigned char type ? Check your answer by adding 2 more lines and using the constans UCHAR_MIN and UCHAR_MAX .