Last Updated: 8/21/17

Math 95: Trigonometry

Fall 2017 / City College of San Francisco

Instructor: A. Schusteff

Math 95 Page Contents

Course Information Sheet

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Student Learning Outcomes for Math 95

In order for students to have a clear view of the content and scope of this course, it's helpful to have a listing of the concepts and skills they'll be expected to understand and master upon successfully completing the course. These are referred to as Student Learning Outcomes (or "SLO's") for the course. The CCSF Math Department puts significant effort into formulating SLO's for our courses. An outline of topics and SLO's for Math 95 can be found in the PDF document here.
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Textbook Info

Course Text: In this course, we'll focus mainly on the material in Chapters 2-4 of the above text. Note that Chapter 1 and Appendix A cover prerequisite material for this course, while Chapter 5 contains topics which we can hopefully cover, time permitting.

Students are highly encouraged to look over the material in Chapter 1 as well as the several appendices A1-A8 at the end of the book. Looking through this material may prompt you to review various topics with which you may be "rusty"... or at the very least make you are aware of where to locate review info if you need to revisit it later in the course. Though this material may not be fresh in your mind, most of it should be familiar, and you should be able to review it and get up to speed fairly quickly for this course. If that's not the case, you should likely be enrolling in Math 90 (Precalculus Algebra) rather than Math 95.

Homework Assignments

I'll regularly update the HW assignment list below as we go through the semester. Homework will be due at the beginning of each week (e.g. Monday, unless it's a holiday), and will generally consist of exercises from the textbook and handouts covering topics discussed in class during the proceeding week.

Below is the list of HW assignments and associated commentary, so far:

Due Monday, August 28: Solutions to the exercises assigned above from §2.1 .

Due Wednesday, September 6: (Note: Monday is a classes!) Turn in solutions to exercises on Handouts #1 and #2 (i.e. the two PDF's above). Write your solutions on separate sheets of paper, as there's not enough blank space on the handout sheets.

Due Monday, September 11: Turn in solutions to exercises from Handouts #3 and #4 (PDF's above). Write your solutions on separate sheets of paper, as there's not enough blank space on the handout sheets.

Due Monday, September 18: Turn in solutions to exercises from §2.2 Due Monday, September 25: Turn in solutions to exercises from §2.3. Also study the "Trig Functions by Hand" handout AND the web pages at the links below, in preparation for next week. (And note our first exam will be next Friday, Sept. 29...for a list of exam topics and practice problems, see the class handout from Friday, Sep. 22.) Due Monday, October 2: Turn in solutions to exercises from §2.3 and the "Trig Functions by Hand" handout. This is all that will be due on Monday. Next week we'll begin §2.4 of the text. The assignment for that section is below. Due Wednesday, October 11: Turn in solutions to exercises from §2.4

For Monday, October 23: Turn in problems assigned from §2.5-2.6.

For Monday, October 30: Continue reading §3.1 and working on the problems assigned from that section, but HW will not be collected for that section yet (since we haven't finished discussing it in class yet).

Due Monday, November 6: Finish writing up solutions to exercises assigned from §3.2.
Also, prepare for our exam next Wednesday, using the "Topics List for Exam 2" handout from class.
In addition to reviewing the material from §2.4-2.6 (on rectangular coordinate graphs of trig functions), practice being able to do problems like #13-52 from §3.1; and problems #4-66 from §3.2.

After Wednesday's exam, we will continue on in Chapter 3...the upcoming HW appears below:

For Monday, November 27: Turn in problems assigned from §3.3-3.4. Also, read §3.5 and begin working on the exercises for that section assigned below:

Note: A list of review topics for our Math 95 Final Exam appears here.

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Links of Interest for Math 95

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