Master Yoda Says
Do . . . or do not.
There is no try!

Fit or Fat: Exercise and Diet

Tracey Kobayashi

50 Phelan Ave, NGYM
San Francisco, CA 94112

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    PE 9A: Fit or Fat
    College & Career Ed
    PE 50: Fitness Center


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The Course

Comparison of obesity theories, weight control methods and associated technology. Determine and track change in fitness, plan a weight/fat loss program, and participate in various activities to promote an active lifestyle, emphasizing weight and fat loss.

The schedule is compressed because we lose several class meetings to various holidays. However, all the information is on this site. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.

USDA Guidelines: USDA Dietary Guidelines at For the government's take on nutrition, visit nutrition.gove, and for the USDA, go to


  • May 12: Retest body composition.
    Due: Final Exam
    Meet: in the Fitness Center Annex, not the Faculty Lounge!
  • May 5: One last review, hand out final.
    Retest wall sit, push-ups and treadmill.
    DUE: everything. I will not accept assignments or activity sheets after today. Thanks
    Exercise: 5-6 days x 35-45 min; Strength 2-3 days
  • April 28: Fitness Resources
    Activity: Water Aerobics. Meet at the pool in swimwear that allows you to move around. Bring a towel.
    Due: Activity 3D, Fitness Circuit
    Exercise: 5-6 days x 30-40 min; Strength 2-3 days.
  • Apr 21: Diet Industry
    Activity: 3D, Fitness Circuit
    Due: Activity 3C, Aerobic Exercise Exercise: 5-6 days x 35-45 min. Strength 2-3 days.
  • Apr 14: The Diet Industry.
    Activity: 3D, Circuit Training or
    3C, Aerobic Exercise
    Exercise: 5-6 days x 30-40 min.
    Due: Activity 4B, Strength; At-Home Strength Training
  • Apr 7: Catch up on Strength lectures.
    Activity: 4B, Strength II
    Assignment: At-Home Strength Training
    Exercise: Cardio 5-6 days x 25-35 min; Strength 2-3 days.
  • Mar 31: HOLIDAY. Cesar Chavez Birthday Observance.
    Exercise: Cardio 4-5 days x 35-45 min, Strength 2-3 days.
  • Mar 24: HOLIDAY. Spring Break.
    Exercise: Cardio 4-5 days x 30-40 min, strength optional.
  • Mar 17: Review Quiz 1
    Due: your diet printouts WITH ANALYSIS.
    Exercise: 4-5 days x 25-35 min. Strength 2-3 days.
  • Mar 10: Bring your diet printouts to class and we'll work through them.
    Exercise: Cardio 4-5 days x 30-40 min; Strength 2-3 days.
  • Mar 3: Take-home quiz 1.
    Basic Nutrition Concepts
    Discuss NATS and the Energy Calculator.
    Midterm is Here! To count for your midterm grade, exercises must be logged onto Fitlinxx by this coming Sunday and logs must be submitted by Monday. To receive full activity points, you need to meet the minimum exercise requirement each week.
    At-home Assignments 1, 2 & 3 and
    In-Class Activities 1, 2 and 3a also count toward your midterm grade.
    Assignment: Diet Analysis
    Activity: Cardio 4-5 days x 25-35 min, Strength 2-3 days
  • Feb 25: Aerobic Fitness, cont.
    Catch up on lectures! Continue to log food intake. Logs should include as complete a description of the food or beverage as possible as well as the amount.
    Food goals: eat one more veggie serving each day than normal; cut down your favorite bad food intake gradually by eating smaller serving sizes.
    Assignment: experiment with the Nutrition Analaysis Tool. Click the NATS VER 2.0 button. Follow the three steps to analyze a single food or list of foods. The analyses you bring to class will be separate lists for several days. Click the ENERGY CALCULATOR button, then click the Daily Calculator link. Fill in the form to receive an estimate of the calories you expend per day. Print your result and bring it to class next week.
    Due: Activity 4A and Assignment 5
    Exercise: 4-5 days x 20-30 min.
  • Feb 18: School Holiday, class does not meet.
    Helpful Hint: Don't sit still at your desk all day! Find reasons to get up out of that chair - go to the bathroom, get a glass of water, hand deliver a memo.
    Food: Keep logging your food intake Exercise: Aerobic 3-4 days x 30-35 min; Strength 2-3 days
  • Feb 11: Aerobic Fitness.
    Due: Assignments 2 and 3
    Activity 4A: Strength Training I
    Assignment 5: At-Home Strength Training.
    Food: Log your food intake -- food description and amount eaten for each day. Carry a notebook with you and write down the foods as you eat them, even snacks offered to you by others, such as a chip or cookie or candy. Exercise: 3-4 days x 25-30 min
  • Feb 4 Weight and Body Composition
    Activity 3a: Cardiorespiratory Fitness, single stage treadmill test
    Due: Assignments 2 and 3
    Helpful Hint: When snacking, place a single serving onto a dessert plate or in a bowl. Close the package and put it away before eating your snack.
    Exercise: 3-4 days x 20-25 min.
  • Jan 28
    Activity 2: Body Composition -- finish Activity 1
    Due: Assignment 1
    Helpful Hint: Most restaurants serve extra large portions. When your meal arrives, separate it into 2 portions. Eat one and take the other home to eat at a later meal.
    Assignment 2: Creating an online Fitlinxx account (if you haven't already)
    Assignment 3: Log Your Cardio
    Exercise: 3-4 days x 25-30 min. Moderate to moderately high level (60-85% You should be able to talk but not sing).
  • Jan 21: Holiday. Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday observance
    Exercise: 3-4 days x 20-25:00. For each session, log the type of activity, how long you did it and if you know, distance and intensity (speed, grade, level for cardio equipment).
    Fitlinxx Website accounts
    Assignment 2: Create a Account
  • Jan 14
    Paperwork -- Course Overview -- Fitness Concepts
    Personal History
    Activity 1: Fitness Center overview.
    Helpful Hint: One from your mom. Chew your food thoroughly, 20-30 times, before swallowing. This helps slow your pace and allows the food to travel down the GI tract so you will feel full and prevent overeating.
    Turn in your Personal History and Fitness Center forms. Do Assignment 1.
    Assignment 1): Starting Position Exercise: Accumulate 15-20:00 of moderate to high-level activity for at least 3 days this week -- you should be able to talk, but not sing.


Readings/Lecture Notes. Links will be added as I update the information for the current term.

Handouts. Things you may have missed in class. Most are in PDF format.

Alternate Curriculum. For those in the Personal Trainer program, or PE/Fitness professionals.

Text. There is no required text for this class. However, you will need a nutritional analysis program for the diet analysis activity. The department's computers no longer have the software package we've been using. If you don't have software or internet access, you will be limited to using one of my three computers that I bring in for this exercise. I have compiled a short list of nutritional analysis apps. Some have evaluation versions you can try before buying.

  • Nutrition Analysis Tool
    UIUC's free online tool.
  • Black Cat Systems
    makes Diet Sleuth for Macintosh, OS 9 and X. Free 15 day evaluation.
    $35 download
  • Nutritrac
    By Mosby, distributed by Elsevier. CD contains both Mac and Windows versions.
    $30 cd
  • DietPower
    Windows-based program. Free 15 day evaluation download.
    $50 download, $55 for cd
  • Health Engage Diet & Fitness
    Windows and Mac OS X versions. Free evaluation download
    $60 desktop version. $70 for Desktop plus Palm or PocketPC synching.
  • Diet Analysis Plus: Windows Version, Macintosh Version
    This is the program we used in the past. The Mac version is advertised as a cd, but is actually a 3.5" floppy. You may be able to order a cd directly from the publisher. The company also has a paid online version. $25 cd

Other Information

City College has an excellent Fitness Center, which anyone can enroll in through the Continuing Ed program. The caveat being that the center is subject to the school's calendar and hours. If you are shy and prefer exercising at home, you can accomplish a lot with a few hand weights. I troll craigslist and Amazon Exercise & Fitness for new and used equipment on sale.

Dietary Intake for Water, Salt and Potassium. New recommendations.

Creatine WarningSusan Keys and a group of her students have submitted preliminary research indicating that long-term supplementation of creatine monohydrate may be associated with inflammation in the liver (hepatitis). These are the first findings of this kind, and studies will continue in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts - Amherst.

Information on this site © 1995 Tracey Kobayashi, unless otherwise noted.