Tracey Kobayashi
50 Phelan Ave, NGYM
San Francisco, CA 94112
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[ Intro ]
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Gastrointestinal Function
Provides nutrients to the body via digestion and absorption.
- Digestion: break down of food into their base constituents via
mechanical or chemical means.
- Mechanical
mastication; muscular contractions which
mix, chop and move the food along the tract.
- Chemical
secretions from cells in the walls of the GI
tract and the pancreas react with food constituents to break
them down into their base nutrients.
- Absorption: transport of nutrients from the GI tract into the
circulation. Most nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine.
Water and electrolyte reabsorption occur in the large intestine.
Works by progressively breaking down food into smaller pieces and giving it
a more liquid consistency as it propels it through each segment until
nutrients are absorbed, at which point water and electrolytes are removed
before elimination.
Control of the GI Tract
Enteric Nervous System: excites or inhibits GI functions.
Enteric system is influenced by sympathetic and parasympathetic
- Parasympathetic (from eating, anticipation):
Stimulates enteric activity.
- Sympathetic: norepineprhine inhibits enteric neurons and
smooth muscle contraction.
[ Intro ]
[ Nutrients ]
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