ESL with Computers

with Venette Cook

Weekly Work Our Listening Lessons MS Word Lessons Typing


Seven Lessons in Word 2007

  1. We have seven lessons to practice English and learn about MS Word 2007.
  2. After you do 7 lessons, you know the basic Word skills and mouse skills.
  3. Hand in your lessons so I can check your work.
How can I get these lessons?
Level 2-4
Levels 5-8
  1. Click on a lesson.
  2. Open and Save to your flash drive.
  3. Read the directions and do the lesson.
  4. Save your lesson.
  5. Print your lesson.
  6. Put your lesson in my in-box.
  7. Pick-up your lesson in my out-box.
  8. Check your work.
  9. Finish every lesson.

Do you want to do this at home? If you do not have Word 2007, you have to:

Save As Word 97-2003.

Then you can do this work at home. Remember Word 2007 looks very different, but many things are almost the same.

1. Delete

2. Insert

3. Enter key and Spacing

4. Font, Size and Format

5. Copy and Paste

6. Cut and Paste

7. Check your spelling


1. Delete

2. Insert

3. Enter key and Spacing

4. Font, Size and Format

5. Copy and Paste

6. Cut and Paste

7. Check your spelling


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    City College of San Francisco

    February 2008