Property Averaging for the Case of Isostrain
properties of a composite must, in some way, represent an average of
the properties of their individual components. The precise
nature of the "average" is a sensitive function of the microstructural
Calculating Young's Modulus for a Composite Material Under Isostrain
will look at a specific case of calculating the modulus of elasticity
for a composite material with continuous aligned
fibers parallel to the loading. This specific case is called isostrain since the strain of the fibers and the matrix is the same:
ec = em = ef = e
This of course assumes that the
matrix is intimately bonded with the fibers.
![A picture showing uniaxial stressing of a composite with continuous fiber reinforcement. The load is parallel to the fibers.](14_Composites/IsostrainFiberConfiguration.jpg)
The load that the composite carries is the sum of the load on the fibers and the load on the matrix:
Pc = Pm + Pf
Substitute an expression for the load, P, using the stress (P = sA):
scAc = smAm + sfAf
Now substitute an expression for the stress, s, using the strain and Young's modulus (s = eE):
ecEcAc = emEmAm + efEfAf
And since ec = em = ef = e we have:
eEcAc = eEmAm + eEfAf
Cancelling out the e and solving for Ec gives:
Ec = (Am/Ac) Em + (Af /Ac)Ef
If Vm & Vf are volume fractions of matrix and fibers respectively, we finally have our answer:
Ec = VmEm + VfEf
we see that for this case of isostrain conditions, the composite
modulus, Ec, is simply the weighted average of the moduli of the
Calculating Other Properties for a Composite Material Under Isostrain
Although the above derivation was for Young's modulus, the relationship we obtained holds for many material properties.
In general for isostrain conditions:
Xc = VmXm + VfXf
where X is:
- E, Young’s modulus
- D, diffusivity
- k, thermal conductivity
- sigma, electrical conductivity
- nu, poisson’s ratio
Calculating Fraction of Load Carried by Fibers Under Isostrain
Let’s also examine the total fraction of the load carried by the fibers:
Pf /Pc = sfAf/scAc
Pf /Pc = eEfAf / eEcAc
Pf /Pc = (Af/ Ac )(Ef/ Ec)
Pf /Pc = Vf (Ef / Ec)
Since Ef >> Ec this can be very effective. It means that the high strength fibers will carry most of the load. For
some fiberglass, the fibers can carry ~96% of the load! The ductile
matrix make this a less brittle material. Hence we get the “best
of both worlds”: strength and ductility!