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Objects on the heap and objects on the stack

There are 2 different ways of creating objects in C++. One
is on the stack and other on heap. The stack object is
created with the statement:

  Person person1  ;

After the execution of the above statement an object has
been created on the stack. It's constructor has also
been called and we are ready to start using the object.
The other way is to dynamically allocate the memory
for the object.

personPtr = new Person()  ;

personPtr->print() ;

This also creates an object but the object is created on
the heap and then the constructor is called. If we have a
pointer to int such as:

int* ptr l

Then we can access the value that the pointer points to by using the syntax:


We can use similar notation to access a class methods and data using a pointer.

(*personPtr).print()  ;

C++ gives us an alternate and easier way to do this.

personPtr->print() ;

We can use the "->" notation if the variable is a pointer.

 Remember if something is created on the heap then it must
 be deleted by the programmer . This is what happens in the line:

  delete personPtr ;

The "delete" statement didn't have to be in this function.
It could be in another function also. What happens if our
program keeps running but we forgot to do "delete" on this
particular object. There will be a memory leak in the
program. Of course when the program ends then the memory
will be released for the whole program.

Include Guard
Notice in the header file we have the lines:

#ifndef PERSON_H

#define PERSON_H

These are preprocessing directives. Remember there are 2 steps in C++ compilation. At first the preprocessor goes through the ".cpp" file and processes it to produce another modified ".cpp" file that it compiles. Also an include statement normally copies the contents of the "include" file and pastes it in the ".cpp" file. Say we have a file "main.cpp" that uses the Person.h file.
Ex: main.cpp
#include "person.h"
#include "myutil.h"
int main()
 //Bunch of statements
 return ( 1) ;
Now it turns out "myutil.h" is also using "person.h".

Ex myutil.h

#include "person.h"

So if we look at our "main.cpp" we see that it includes
"person.h" but by including "myutil.h" it will also
include what's in "util.h" and that is "person.h" so the
file "person.h" gets included twice. This will cause a
compiler error as C++ does not allow duplicate declarations.
To prevent duplicate header files

we use the include guard. The "ifndef" means if the
variable "PERSON_H" is not defined. The name "PERSON_H"
can be anything but the convention is put the name of
the header file with underscore and then "H" with the
whole name being in capitol. For the first time we encounter
include "person.h" we define the variable "PERSON_H" in the line:

#define PERSON_H

What the preprocessor does is it includes everything to the end
"#endif" . Now let's say we encounter the header file again:

#ifndef PERSON_H

When the preprocessor encounters the above line it will check if the
variable "PERSON_H" is defined and since it is the preprocessor
will not enter the if conditions and will not include lines from
the header file making sure that the file contents of "person.h"
are not included more than once in a ".cpp" file. Remember the role
of header files is only inside "cpp" files. During compilation we
only give ".cpp" files to the "g++" command.