Peg Grady
step aerobics
Fitness Center
program coordinator
Step Aerobics Calendar
Target Zone
step aerobics

Class Description

The class will consist of workout sessions utilizing platform and support blocks to increase the intensity and cardiac workload of the aerobic workout.  The low impact workouts will serve to promote and improve cardiac fitness, burn body fat, build lean muscle mass, improve coordination and benefit overall health and well being.

Grading Policy

 Attendance & participation    100%

  • Letter grade or credit/no credit option is available.  Submit an application to admissions and records by the deadline in order to take the class credit/no credit.

Attendance Policy

 0-2 absences      no effect on grade

 3-4 absences      grade lowered one

 5-6 absences      grade lowered two

 7-8 absences      grade lowered three

 More than 8 absences      failing grade

  • Absences should be made up within the mid-term period in which they occur.
  • Makeups will consist of verified attendance in another physical education class with the instructor's permission.  The makeup form is available at the north gym lobby counter.

Class Requirement

  • A supportive pair of athletic shoes and socks
  • Locker
  • Water bottle and towel

Suggested Reading

  • Fitness – The College Way by Banuet-Alvers (Available in the CCSF college bookstore)
[Peg Grady] [yoga] [bodysculpt] [step aerobics] [Fitness Center] [program coordinator]