Master Yoda Says
Always in motion is the future.

GE 345: Week 8

The Skeleton


[ Bone ] [ Skeleton ] [ Terms ]
[ Articulations ] [ Stability & Movement ]

The adult human skeleton contains 206 bones.

skeleton image

Axial Skeleton (80 bones)

  • Skull -- 29 bones
  • Vertebral Column -- 26 bones
  • Thorax
    • Sternum
    • Ribs -- 24 bones
    • Costal Cartilages

Appendicular Skeleton (126 bones)

  • Pectoral (shoulder) girdle -- 4 bones
  • Upper Limbs (forelimbs) -- 60 bones
  • Pelvic Girdle -- 2 bones
  • Lower Limbs (hindlimbs) -- 60 bones

[ Bone ] [ Skeleton ] [ Terms ]
[ Articulations ] [ Stability & Movement ]