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Pilates-Based Exercise


Tracey Kobayashi

50 Phelan Ave, NGYM
San Francisco, CA 94112

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    PE 9A: Fit or Fat
    College & Career Ed
    PE 50: Fitness Center


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Okay, here it the Final Quiz and return your answers to me via email before Friday, May 19.

Welcome! Joseph Pilates (puh-LAH-teez) was born in Germany in 1880, grew up in England, developed rehabilitation programs for the German army, and later moved to New York, where he is best known for developing an exercise system he coined Contrology, which is now known as Pilates. Several disciplines influenced Pilates' system, and the exercise machines he developed, particularly bodybuilding (in particular Eugen Sandow) and gymnastics. The Pilates system utilizes few repetitions of a variety of compound movements that require considerable motor skill, and therefore high concentration. As an aside, Pilates also designed furniture!

Some small caveats:

  • if you have back problems, you will need to perform modified versions of some exercises or not do others at all;
  • I highly recommend you supplement your Pilates work with another form of activity that will provide the impact or resistance needed to help prevent osteoporosis;
  • Joeph Pilates wrote that you should be able to teach yourself to do his exercises if you just followed his instructions carefully -- this is true for the most part, but there are a few updates to his theories and techniques you'll need to be aware of, which I'll tell you as we go along.

To help you remember some of the techniques, I give short quizzes at regular intervals. This site is another tool to help you remember. If you attend class regularly, use the information here to help you remember, and practice a little on your own, you should feel a difference in your strength and flexibility by the end of the semester. Follow the links below to access course information...