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Intermediate Workout

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[ Modified Basic Exercises ] [ Basic Exercises ] [ Intermediate Exercises ]
[ Intermediate Workout ]

Tracey Kobayashi

50 Phelan Ave, NGYM
San Francisco, CA 94112

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We've learned the all exercises for the intermediate workout. Now, let's put them together and focus on concentration, control, centering, fluidity, precision and breathing...yeah, that's a lot!

  • Do a Controlled Sit-Down. Lie down, letting your body sink into the mat.
  • Curl legs into table-top, then extend up or out. Come into a curled-up position for the One Hundred. Do 10.
  • Lower legs straight down, then extend arms overhead to begin the Roll-Up. If doing the Roll-Down, sit up as you bring the legs down. Do 5.
  • On back, bring one leg up straight for Single Leg Circles. Keep legs long in between to switch legs. Do 5 each way.
  • Flex hip and knee, then extend to lift into a seated position. Grab around ankles and balance for Rolling Like a Ball. Do 6.
  • Bring one leg in and roll back to go directly into the Single-Leg Stretch. Do 5.
  • Bring both legs in for the Double-Leg Stretch. Do 5.
  • Inhale, lowering both legs extending hips. Exhale, flex the right hip to begin the Single Straight-Leg Stretch. Do 5.
  • Remain lying on your back and extend both legs up into a pike for the Double Straight-Leg Stretch
  • Bring knees in for the Crisscross. Do 5.
  • Roll up to a sitting position, sit up tall and raise arms forward for the Spine Stretch Forward. Do 5.
  • Sit back and bring legs up for the Open-Leg Rocker. Do 5. To finish, balance and close legs into a pike.
  • In balanced pike, lower back to lying for the Corkscrew. Do 4. On the 4th, lift buttocks off the floor.
  • Lower legs as you sit up into a straddle for the Saw. Do 4.
  • Close legs and roll over to your abdomen, hands under shoulders, elbows in, raise off floor keeping torso long for the Neck Roll. Do one in each direction.
  • Keep torso long as you lower and sit back into a child's position, then come back to your stomach on elbows, fists together (or sphinx) for Single-Leg Kicks. Do 5.
  • Release back into Child's Position, then come forward again, hands behind back for Double-Leg Kicks. Do 3.
  • Sit back in Child's Position again, then turn over to your back, with legs abducted slightly, feet dorsiflexed, hands behind head for the Neck Pull. Do 5.
  • Bring legs together into pike and abduct arms for Spine Twists. Do 5.
  • Lie on side for Side Kicks: front-back; up-down; small circles; both legs up and down; bottom leg; scissors.
  • Roll onto back, flex hips and knees to table-top, then extend to challenging position, or set on floor. Bring arms parallel to thighs and curl up for the Teaser. Do 3, curl and release your back. Do 3 of these sets.
  • Roll over onto your stomach, arms extended. Lift torso and legs for Swimming. Do 3 each side slowly, then 3 fluttering (inhale 5, exhale 5).
  • Sit back in Child's Position, the push up into a Plank for the Leg Pulldown. Do 3.
  • Sit back in Child's Position, then turn over to a seated position. Grab under your ankles for the Seal. Do 5. On the 5th, remove hands and come to standing.
  • Facing your mat, extend arms up, walk them down your body and into a plank, hands under shoulders. Bend elbows for Push-Ups. Do 3.
  • Walk your hands back in and up your body. You're done!
[ Pilates ] [ Intro ]
[ Modified Basic Exercises ] [ Basic Exercises ] [ Intermediate Exercises ]
[ Intermediate Workout ]