Tracey Kobayashi
50 Phelan Ave, NGYM
San Francisco, CA 94112
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College & Career Ed
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ICQ - 155909399
Time Management
- Analyze Time: daily task log for time use sample;
time inventory/budget to understand how time is spent;
categorize tasks - homework, family, bills...
- Plan: write general to-do list & prioritize;
plan tasks on grid - match peak effectiveness hours with
sensitve/difficult tasks & consider amount of time to complete;
follow up (tickler) - file issues for future actions chronologically
and review on specified dates.
- Optimize: look for patterns as clues to sources of trouble;
combine compatible activities (similar locations, routines;
set specific time to do specific tasks only.
Study Skills
Inefficient study is one of the biggest problems students share. Good students
generally study no more than poor students -- they just use their time more
SQ5R method for reading text books...
- Survey Skim the book -- preface, intro, contents and chapter headings
to get an overview. Before each chapter, skim (survey) headings/subheadings,
graphs, maps, pictures, illustrations and summaries.
- Question Turn chapter headings/subheadings into questions.
Write these down to direct your reading.
- Read everything to seek answers to your questions, a paragraph or
section at a time.
- Record answers to your questions in your own words.
Highlight or note key words/phrases.
- Recall/Recite information as you complete a paragraph or page
without referring to the text. Check yourself.
- Review your memory against your notes. Review at least once a
week to maintain recall.
- Reflect Integrate new with existing materials. How does it overlap
with what you already know?
Other study tips...
- Organize your time.
- Put study periods in your time table and stick to it.
- Use time between classes.
- Don't study for too long.
After 30-60 minutes, study something else or take a break.
- Study during your best hours.
- Use a study area.
- Keep up! Don't cram. If you keep up, you should only have
to review right before the exam. Forming study groups help with
working out last-minute questions.
- Stick to your normal schedule before an exam. Lack of sleep can
magnify problems such as anxiety, lack of retention, and organization
- Realize a little anxiety is normal and can be a motivator, but
too much can be debilitating.
College Characteristics
Sometimes it's enough to know that you just want to attend Cal. Other times,
you need a little more information about what life is going to be like on
campus. Use
this College Characteristics worksheet
to help you determine which are most important to you. Once you do that,
research some campuses you were thinking about and see how well they fit
your criteria.
Here are the numbers for how much college costs. I double-checked the
UC tuitions, and yes, they run about $6-$7,000 for California residents.
ESTIMATED College Costs 2004-5
| Community College | CSU | UC | Private |
Tuition and Fees | $650 | $2658-2936 | $6312-$6936 | $29,847 |
Books and Supplies | $1260 | $1260 | $1260 | $1260 |
Room and Board | $3177 | $6380-$10,508 | $8768-$10,744 | $9,503 |
Transportation | $1000 | $1000 | $1000 | $1000 |
Personal Expenses | $2000 | $2000 | $2000 | $2000 |
Total | $8087 | $13,298-$17,704 | $19,340-$21,940 | $43,610 |
FInancial Aid...
- Work Study: financial assistance earned through student employment.
Federal Work Study $3-4,000
- Grants: doesn't need to be repaid
Pell $400-$4050
SEOG $100-$4000
Cal Grant A $2334-$8322
Cal Grant B $3885-$9873
Cal Grant C Vocational Programs
EOP Grant $100-$1000
University Grant -- varies by school
- Loans: repayment begins after leaving college.
Perkins $4000/year max.
Stafford/Federal Direct Loan $2623-$5500/yr
For private grant sources, visit the
Foundation Center's Website, or
visit their
San Francisco Field Office
at 312 Sutter Street, Suite 606, SF 94108-4314. 415-397-0902. I strongly
recommend visiting the office over using the web database...not just because
it's free! The staff there is very helpful and can often help you find funding
sources you wouldn't think of on your own.
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Information in this section © 2005 Tracey Kobayashi, unless otherwise noted.